Part I : The Feed Your Face philosophy. Getting to know your skin ; What's food got to do with it? ; What you can do right now (get beautiful skin at your very next meal)
Part II : Acne, sunburn, wrinkles, and rashes (using food to combat a range of skin afflictions). Understanding acne (why some foods may give you zits) ; Redness, itching, and flaking (relief from "angry" skin) ; To tan or not to tan (protecting yourself from the sun) ; Stop wrinkles before they start (how food can help you turn back time) ; Eating for stronger, healthier hair and nails
Part III : Feed Your Face in action. The Feed Your Face diet ; The Feed Your Face restaurant guide
Part IV : Feed Your Face extras. Food on your face (food-based ingredients and easy recipes for make-at-home remedies) ; Aging gracefully (with a little help from botox, injectibles, lasers, and peels.